Thursday 1 September 2011

Cannot hear 3GPP files in Nerovision 10 HD version.

Hi friends actually I am having a small problem I have Nero 10 installed in my computer and I have also installed Nerovision which is a music player that came along with Nero 10. Both these software’s are nice and I am using it from past 1week. But now I cannot hear 3gpp files from this Nerovision player but I can listen to the same files in Quicktime player. I did the upgrade to HD and the extra rights that it asked for but I still can't get audio in the movie maker. These files are movies. Please help.
We would try to replicate the issue here. Could you please make contact with technical support directly and send us a small example file with which you understanding this problem? Please make sure your video file is not bigger than 10 MB. Otherwise our email system blocks your e-mail. If you only have larger files, you can load the file with the example of Google "Documents" (upload 1 GB free) and send us the download link.
At the top of the forum, click the "support of an export Nero" and follow the links to contact Technical Support using the standard form. I hope the Nero support will help you solve your problem. So you can do is upload the file and provide the link technical support. You can also post it here for review. Well, I'm not sure about this but I think this will work. My friend tried the same thing and it worked successfully. Just try.
I have played Kwik ShowTime and the media. The first 13 seconds seems to have strong wind noise, but then you can hear people laughing and clapping. Also note that I could not open the file in WMP 11 because of an audio codec problem. I guess it does not recognize 3GPP. Therefore I think the problem is the codec used. Unluckily AMR narrow band does not appear to be compatible with Nero Vision. The only way around this is to convert video to MP4 with Nero Recode before.
If you opened a support case, you must let them know that resolves the problem and how it was resolved. It makes no sense having to waste time. I had it in both ShowTime and Media Kwik, as mentioned above. Maybe some hidden codec that I know nothing. Purposely did not install codec’s. Doing so would not be able to reproduce the problems with the original files that some people offer. I agree with you that cannot be opened in the vision until it re-encoded, which I suggested might be the case in my first response.

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